Our Background

For well over half a century, our
Firm has a proud legacy of
experience, integrity and dedication
to Australia and abroad.

Some History Behind Our Business

After being decorated as the first Australian-born Chinese to serve in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and Royal Air Force (RAF) UK during World War II, Thomas Frederick Wong See (known as Tom See), commenced practice as an accountant, tax agent and registered immigration agent at Martin Place. Recognising much of his clientele operated businesses in Sydney South, he moved the Firm’s premises to Haymarket. Our Firm’s heritage is retained in the form of “TFW See.”

Peter SK Lee joined the Firm in 1960 after working at Reckitt & Coleman and purchased the practice in 1970 from Tom See. Peter focused his efforts on accounting and tax matters, becoming a tax agent, company auditor and company liquidator. Peter was well-regarded in the Haymarket and broader community in his experienced and sought-after client dealings throughout Sydney, interstate and overseas. He was a fellow chartered accountant and fellow certified practising accountant.

Alexandra SM Lee, Peter’s daughter, joined the Firm in 2010 and assumed the role of Principal. Prior to her appointment, she gained corporate and expatriate tax experience at international accounting firms Deloitte, KPMG and Pitcher Partners. Alexandra has advised on a range of government, business, listed and unlisted corporate groups and high net-worth individual matters. She is a chartered accountant, chartered tax adviser, tax agent and lawyer, Supreme Court of New South Wales.

Thomas FW See 是第一位授勳於澳洲皇家空軍的華人

之後他於1948 年在雪梨商業中心,創立了極為成功的會計師及移民事務所

Peter SK Lee 1960 年離開利潔時公司 (Reckitt & Coleman) 加入事務所,他於1970 年購入其經營權. Peter 是一位註冊執業會計師,他隨後整


2010 年 Alexandra SM Lee 加入父親的公司並成為負責人,Alexandra 是一位註冊會計師和稅務代理,她具有豐富的稅務經驗並在四大會計師

事務所中的德勤 (Deloitte) 和畢馬威(KPMG)工作多年,提供政府機構、企業及高資產人士稅務諮詢服務

Giving back to the community and staying relevant

We believe in a corporate and social responsibility. We take an active interest in various disadvantaged, mental health, medical, aged care and animal welfare causes. A portion of our revenue is donated to selected charities and organisations. Continuous improvement and technical professional updates are essential, we undertake training and development, both mandatory and non-mandatory courses, to maintain and expand our knowledge and expertise.